Search For transform In Quotes 106

Ideology... is indispensable in any society if men are to be formed transformed and equipped to respond to the demands of their conditions of existence.

Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society not simply maintaining the status quo or filling basic social needs that were formerly the province of the public sector.

The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.

The recognition of the art that informs all pure science need not mean the abandonment for it of all present art rather it will mean the completion of the transformation of art that has already begun.

In Israel a land lacking in natural resources we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.

Too many younger artists critics and curators are fetishizing the sixties transforming the period into a deformed cult a fantasy religion a hip brand and a crippling disease.

Of all the important relationships that Australia has with other countries none has been more greatly transformed over the last 10 years than our relationship with China.

In the beginning New York and I had kind of a love-hate relationship. It seemed so abrasive compared to Europe. But the transformation here in recent years is really something. I don't think I would have seen as much change if I'd lived in any other city in the world.

Well when I was younger I lied all the time because once you understand the power of lying it's really like magic because you transform reality for people.

I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is in this nation's interests. I believe a free Afghanistan is in this nation's interest.