Search For tournament In Quotes 18

If money titles meant anything I'd play more tournaments. The only thing that means a lot to me is winning. If I have more wins than anybody else and win more majors than anybody else in the same year then it's been a good year.

It is never easy to win but it is a lot easier to win when you play well. The key is winning golf tournaments when you are not playing so well. Managing your game is something that I feel that I am still learning to do.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me to be fit for the Euros. I had some fitness problems before the tournament but I am here now!

It's always good to get a smaller tournament under your belt so that by the time you get to the Slams you have a lot of experience.

When I was 7 my dad asked his friend to teach me. I played my first tournament competition when I was 8. I remember I shot around 125.

I don't think there has been enough communication between the players and the tournaments. In one sense it's just as much the players' fault. Players talk between each other and in the locker room about things that can be improved and then when the time comes to talk and really do something about it they stop.

There's no sense in going to a tournament if you don't believe that you can win it. And that is the belief I have always had. And that is not going to change.

I feel like I have as good a shot as anybody out there and I have gotten close in the past so why not have the attitude that I can come out and play great tennis and maybe even win this tournament.