Search For tense In Quotes 87

There was a perception of me and I earned it because I was really intense really gruff. I treated certain people poorly at times. It was because of who I was. It was almost my strength. I came in all business. I tried to find ways to fit in with that demeanor but it's not easy.

If only the strength of the love that people feel when it is reciprocated could be as intense and obsessive as the love we feel when it is not then marriages would be truly made in heaven.

I have an intense dislike for artificial society. In France one could lead a free life - to do what one wanted to do without interference or criticism from one's neighbors.

I get very nervous whenever I think about it. I've never done a serious play and I have such awe of the woman - she's really my only idol. It's going to be a big stretch - certain people come out on stage and your face muscles automatically tense and you get ready to smile.

Mythology and science both extend the scope of human beings. Like science and technology mythology as we shall see is not about opting out of this world but about enabling us to live more intensely within it.

It seems to me that socialists today can preserve their position in academic economics merely by the pretense that the differences are entirely moral questions about which science cannot decide.

Two or three notes of music can instantly make you feel sad or tense or afraid or angry. To do that in words is much more difficult.

It's a sad indication of where Washington has come where policy differences almost necessarily become questions of integrity. I came to Washington in the late '70s and people had the ability in the past to have intense policy differences but didn't feel the need to question the other person's character.

I feel an intense intimacy with those who have this loathing interest in me. Further than this I know what they mean I sympathize with them I understand them. There should be a name (as poetic as love) for this relationship between loather and loathed it is of the closest and more full of passion than incest.

India is a global power and an important partner with whom we are building an intense broad and enduring relationship.

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Dr. Rice's record on Iraq gives me great concern. In her public statements she clearly overstated and exaggerated the intelligence concerning Iraq before the war in order to support the President's decision to initiate military action against Iraq.