Search For tends In Quotes 60

The modern mind tends to be more and more critical and analytical in spirit hence it must devise for itself an engine of expression which is logically defensible at every point and which tends to correspond to the rigorous spirit of modern science.

American cinema tends to express a patriotic relationship to national identity on a regular basis.

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's always good when women win things in fiction because it tends to be more male-dominated unlike poetry which is more equal.

The music just tends to be a vehicle for that poetry.

Living here on Earth we breathe the rhythms of a universe that extends infinitely above us. When resonant harmonies arise between this vast outer cosmos and the inner human cosmos poetry is born.

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things man will not himself find peace.

As regards the individual nature woman is defective and misbegotten for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power.

Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant. Of a teacher and a learner.

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It's interesting to see what people are saying about me. I like keep up with the latest rumors! A while back there was a rumor that I was going to do a film with Demi Moore about the takeover of Commodore computers!