Search For temptation In Quotes 38

Once you make a movie like 'Superbad ' when it's popular and you're the lead you get offered all kinds of things and there's a temptation to make bad movies either for the money or to maintain your relevance in pop culture.

I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled and thanks to money and fame I didn't have to go far to find them.

All men are liable to error and most men are in many points by passion or interest under temptation to it.

All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down provided it is the right temptation put in the right spot.

Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.

That free will was demonstrated in the placing of temptation before man with the command not to eat of the fruit of the tree which would give him a knowledge of good and evil with the disturbing moral conflict to which that awareness would give rise.

There is no arguing with the pretenders to a divine knowledge and to a divine mission. They are possessed with the sin of pride they have yielded to the perennial temptation.

I had a huge advantage when I started 50 years ago - my job was secure. I didn't have to promote myself. These days there's far more pressure to make a mark so the temptation is to make adventure television or personality shows. I hope the more didactic approach won't be lost.

Most fathers don't see the war within the daughter her struggles with conflicting images of the idealized and flawed father her temptation both to retreat to Daddy's lap and protection and to push out of his embrace to that of beau and the world beyond home.

For years my wedding ring has done its job. It has led me not into temptation. It has reminded my husband numerous times at parties that it's time to go home. It has been a source of relief to a dinner companion. It has been a status symbol in the maternity ward.