Search For teeth In Quotes 42

When I get up in the morning I brush my teeth and go about my business and if I am going anywhere interesting I take my camera along.

But of course when people watch morning television Terry it's a very different animal. You know they're running around they're getting their kids ready for school they're probably doing eight million things they're brushing their teeth.

After the first day of practice there's not one guy who's playing at 100 percent or who feels great. Sometimes getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it just hurts.

Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it.

When I was a child I wanted to be an actor but I had really bad buckteeth. I didn't want to get braces but my mom said I couldn't be an actor if I didn't get the braces. So I got the braces.

My mom always says I cut my teeth on the church pew.

Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.

Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men although he was twice married it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.

But the mechanics of learning to 'throw your voice' are pretty simple. Anyone with a tongue an upper palate teeth and a normal speaking voice can learn ventriloquism.

The Company of Wolves is about how society teaches young women to look at themselves and what to be afraid of. It's about a girl learning that the world of sensuality and the unknown is not to be feared that it's worth getting your teeth into.