Search For technological In Quotes 35

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.

Then I realized that there is an indigenous presence in the Solar System. It's us. So then I got to wondering what would happen if a more technologically advanced society moved next door to us the way we moved next door to the American Indians.

Our lifetime may be the last that will be lived out in a technological society.

Deep down the US with its space its technological refinement its bluff good conscience even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation is the only remaining primitive society.

Technological society has succeeded in multiplying the opportunities for pleasure but it has great difficulty in generating joy.

We're as clever as we think we are but we'll be a lot cleverer when we learn to use not just one brain but to pool huge numbers of brains. We're at a level technologically where we can share information and think collectively about our problems. We do it in science all the time - there's no reason why we can't do it in other endeavors.

The pace of technological change in recent years has been both impressive and positive for consumers.

Such manifestations I account as representing the creative leadership of the new forces of thought and appreciation which attend changes in technological pattern and therefore of the pattern of human relationships in society.

Within thirty years we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence.

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane the automobile the computer - says little about his intelligence but speaks volumes about his laziness.