Search For sweat In Quotes 57

Enjoy your sweat because hard work doesn't guarantee success but without it you don't have a chance.

Success is dependent upon the glands - sweat glands.

The guys I date always want to test my strength and wrestle around. By the end they're drenched in sweat.

Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat determination and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.

Nobody ever seems to want my advice about serious stuff. People will be like: 'Who made that sweater?' Or 'How did you get your hair so straight?' They don't to come to me for the relationship advice or deep stuff. In fact my little sister actually hides from me.

All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently link by link with sweat and blood and tears.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail.

The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war.

What nature requires is obtainable and within easy reach. It is for the superfluous we sweat.