Search For supporter In Quotes 18

My parents- they've been my biggest influences and supporters since day one. They teach me every day that happiness comes from within and not from something outside of your heart.

Thank you to everyone that has made me the athlete I am! God family and friends my competitors and supporters! You have all had a hand!

Because of my own family's service (in the U.S. Army Navy and Massachusetts and New York National Guard) I am a strong supporter of the military and do believe that there are just wars.

Our ministry is supported entirely by faith through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money and we never burden supporters.

I understand the harsh feelings and sentiments from my opponents and their supporters because I myself have been defeated twice in my political life in the past and I understand very well it is hard to accept your own failure.

I've always been a strong supporter of environmental protection and initiatives in that area. But I'm willing to set priorities. If we have to make reductions in one place we'll have to-in order to increase another place I'm willing to do that.

My Dad was my biggest supporter. He never put pressure on me.

I am a huge supporter for cash for caulkers - which allows people to make improvement for energy efficient in their homes. We should do the same for Americans purchasing appliances and computers and for that matter new air-conditioner and heating units.

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A man acquainted with history may in some respect be said to have lived from the beginning of the world and to have been making continual additions to his stock of knowledge in every century.