Search For straight In Quotes 114

Because society places a value on masculinity gay men aspire to it. If you go to a gay club and the doorman says 'You do realise this is a gay club don't you lads?' you get all excited because you think 'Wow he thought I was straight!'

But the development of human society does not go straight forward and the epic process will therefore be a recurring process the series a recurring series - though not in exact repetition.

If you look at any Muslim society and you make a scale of how developed they are and how successful the economy is it's a straight line. It depends on how much they emancipate their women.

A man can be drawn across the room with the simplicity of a smile. That's why your pearly whites should always be straight and shiny. I think most of my clients are drawn to a fun flirty nature in a woman. The problem is most women do not often feel fun and flirty.

Usually if you smile at them and show some interest in the toy they will give it to you. That's a straight up Democrat move!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

I've tried to be a straight scientist doing the science and reporting it as best I can.

'Eyes Wide Open' took shape from two real life events straight from my own past. One was the sad suicide of my young nephew a troubled kid who was found at the bottom of a landmark cliff in central California. The second was a chance encounter forty years ago with none other than ahem Charles Manson!

The most successful marriages gay or straight even if they begin in romantic love often become friendships. It's the ones that become the friendships that last.

I'm a hopeless romantic and I believe that you can find love in many different places and be very conflicted. I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.