Search For stare In Quotes 14

In these dangerous times where it seems the world is ripping apart at the seams we can all learn how to survive from those who stare death squarely in the face every day and we should reach out to each other and bond as a community rather than hide from the terrors of life at the end of the millennium.

My biggest hero Gregory Peck was my birthday present on April 14 1973. I just sat and stared at him.

The best thing to do is stare it in the face and move on. We have to face our fears and plow through. I think taking chances takes a lot more courage than staying stagnant and doing what's safe and comfortable.

I want to be part of the resurgence of things that are tangible beautiful and soulful rather than just give in to the digital age. But when I talk to people about this they just say 'Yeah I know what you mean ' and stare at their mobiles.