Search For stained In Quotes 27

My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do.

An important lever for sustained action in tackling poverty and reducing hunger is money.

All the gossip and craziness becomes a kind of sustained narrative which in turn can become history. It's scary.

God is even though the whole world deny him. Truth stands even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.

If we are to garner sustained U.S. domestic support for future trade agreements we have to make sure those Americans who have suffered as a consequence of past agreements have an effective social safety net adjustment assistance opportunities for retraining and new job creation that enables all Americans to thrive.

If you want to have sustained joy you have to not only make sure that you think right but you also have to make decisions now that are going to guarantee some joy in the future.

Family life is too intimate to be preserved by the spirit of justice. It can be sustained by a spirit of love which goes beyond justice.

For more than 200 years materialists have promised that science will eventually explain everything in terms of physics and chemistry. Believers are sustained by the faith that scientific discoveries will justify their beliefs.

I guess my religious faith sustained me more than anything else. Family is also very important. If I didn't have children it would have been too difficult. Even if you are strong you still need people who would support you all the way.

You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces - my family my friends and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined.