Search For stain In Quotes 114

More than 20 years on sustained competition informed customers and the rapid growth of new technology provide the necessary environment for substantial deregulation.

I think there are so many ways to become interested in music. I believe signs of sustained interest gives a sense of the right time. Music if thought of as a language would perhaps indicate that as early as possible is not so bad. I do believe that a really nurturing first teacher that makes the child love something is crucial.

From the gut comes the strut and where hunger reigns strength abstains.

I really think that elected officials should be focused on how you create sustained economic growth how do you create jobs and all of these issues that made people - segments of our society believe are really important are diversions politically.

Remember that it is not enough to abstain from lying by word of mouth for the worst lies are often conveyed by a false look smile or act.

Religion is inwardly focused and driven only to sustain itself.

Religion which requires persecution to sustain it is of the devil's propagation.

And one thing that I always believed and that I knew for certain was that I could never have sustained a personal relationship while I worked this hard or while I was that driven this intensely by the story.

My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do.

I'm quite sure that most writers would sustain real poetry if they could but it takes devotion and talent.