Search For sponsor In Quotes 16

'Survivor' wouldn't have happened had I not gone out there and helped CBS to sell sponsors to finance the first one. Part of my thinking on 'Survivor' was that it should have rewards that are corporate brands. A Big Mac one thimble-full of Coca-Cola.

Television could perform a great service in mass education but there's no indication its sponsors have anything like this on their minds.

The founder of the Mona Foundation actually knew my dad for years and the more I learned about it the more I realized I really found the perfect charity. It sponsors schools and educational initiatives all over the planet.

Presently the Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History has been brought about to encourage and sponsor a variety of historical activities that advance our understanding of the American Jewish experience as it marks this milestone anniversary.

Iran has long sponsored terrorists who carry out homicide bombings in Israeli cities. However it is a mistake to believe the danger Iran poses is directed at Israel alone.

Maybe back in the day you didn't need to be the greatest looking to be on TV and you didn't need to speak the best but in this day and age I think you need to be the package. You need to look the part for your sponsors you need to be able to speak the part for the media and to big CEOs.

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I'm starting to think about things that I want to do things that are fun. One of them is driving a car like a Porsche. I've driven a lot of cars - sedans trucks and big family vehicles all year long. But there's nothing like a four-wheel-drive Porsche.