Search For spell In Quotes 25

Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye ear and imagination - everything which can charm and bewitch the simple and ignorant. I wonder how Luther ever broke the spell.

If you live through the initial stage of fame and get past it and remember thats not who you are. If you live past that then you have a hope of maybe learning how to spell the word artist.

For all its terrible faults in one sense America is still the last best hope of mankind because it spells out so vividly the kind of happiness that most people actually want regardless of what they are told they ought to want.

When a small child I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment but soon flits away.

Ladies if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar good punctuation capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize it's done.

We are all here for a spell get all the good laughs you can.

I believe in God only I spell it Nature.

I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this investigation as a very happy man with a great career. I've got the life people dream about: I am rich I am famous I've got a fabulous marriage to an absolutely spell-bindingly brilliant woman.

All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman the formula the command of right about face which turns us from failure to success.

My grandmother lived to be 100 years old. Her grandmother was a slave yet she was a college graduate in the Spellman class of 1917. She taught art for 50 years and she saved her Social Security checks for her children's education.

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When I was producing on my own I was doing it in order to - in a very patriarchal entertainment industry let alone planet - very much hell-bent on trying to prove to myself if nothing else that I could do it as a woman.