Search For speed In Quotes 80

We must speed up the deployment of broadband in order to bring high-speed data services to homes and businesses. The spread of information technology has contributed to a steady growth in U.S. productivity.

It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster speedier mind but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

The newest computer can merely compound at speed the oldest problem in the relations between human beings and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem of what to say and how to say it.

In externals we advance with lightening express speed in modes of thought and sympathy we lumber on in stage-coach fashion.

Real success is being totally indulgent about your own trip. You put your blinders on about the garbage and go full speed ahead.

I've completed the first part of my preparations without injury problems. My speed is good and I'm doing lots of volume for strength.

Whatever I lack in size and strength and speed I kind of make up for in being grittier. When it comes to something like basketball I'm definitely not the best guy on the court but I love elbowing and pushing people out or boxing them out.

I believe you'll develop speed via strength work which includes hill running either repeats or running hilly courses as the Kenyans do on a steady basis.

When you call upon a Thoroughbred he gives you all the speed strength of heart and sinew in him. When you call on a jackass he kicks.

Team sports aren't my thing. I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed. And you don't need a partner to go running you don't need a particular place like in tennis just a pair of trainers.