Search For spectator In Quotes 13

Film is the manipulative medium par excellence. When you think back on the history of film and the 20th century you see the propaganda that's been made. So there are moral demands on the director to treat the spectators as seriously as he or she takes himself and not to see them merely as victims that can be manipulated to whatever ends they have.

The work of art assumes the existence of the perfect spectator and is indifferent to the fact that no such person exists.

Old age believe me is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator.

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I mean it's fine when you're a kid and someone runs into the playground and goes 'I've got this great game of pretend ' and you play... As an actor getting to play getting to use your imagination and be childish - it is weird but it's wonderful.