Search For soccer In Quotes 30

My parents and my grandfather on my mom's side would travel the earth. They went to Australia and China and they went to probably every soccer game I ever played.

I have a 16 year-old son so I'm now a soccer mom. I stand on the sidelines and I hear the things parents are saying so I want them to understand what it is their kids are feeling in any sports environment.

My mom was always the supplier of soccer balls and so people were always knocking on my door and trying to get me out so we could play.

Country was about character. Country's changed because of monsters like Clear Channel who bought up all the stations and sliced them up into formats. Our demographic is now the soccer mom.

I'm a soccer mom. I'm T-ball soccer karate homework keeping them on their schedules. I love being the snack mom when I get to bring the cut oranges. I have one of those coolers with wheels. I'm at every game every practice sitting on my blanket. I love it.

In the past I had my idols but today I enjoy learning from all the soccer I watch.

I am excited to bring my deep knowledge passion and expertise of soccer in this country to The New York Cosmos. They truly represent where this sport is headed on a national and international level and I want to make history with them.

If God had wanted man to play soccer he wouldn't have given us arms.

My hobbies are cooking and gardening especially growing orchids. I love soccer my husband and I support a British team called Chelsea and I also enjoy tennis. We have 3 cats.

Men can absent themselves from real life for their art more easily. Women are anchored into the quotidian business of getting food on the table making sure everybody's socks match the soccer gear is ready. I admire idealists but they're usually enabled by someone who holds the tether on their balloon who pays the bills and sweeps up after them.

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I think there's a lot of deep-rooted history in England with racing. Lots of Formula One teams are based there. Formula One is obviously a huge sport over in England and Europe.