Search For smokin In Quotes 29

I support workplace clean air. But a federal ban on smoking would mean that you couldn't smoke in your own home. I don't care what people do in their home.

I like to think of myself at home in the armchair writing smoking and occasionally wandering down the shop.

Smoking is the now the principal avoidable cause of premature death in Britain. It hits the worst off people hardest of all. Smoking is one of the principal causes of the health gap which leads to poorer people being ill more often and dying sooner.

Coffee and smoking are the last great addictions.

Smoking kills. If you're killed you've lost a very important part of your life.

I know a man who gave up smoking drinking sex and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.

When I heard the royal family wanted to have me perform in celebration of Prince William's marriage I knew I had to give them a little something. 'Wet' is the perfect anthem for Prince William or any playa to get the club smokin'.

Far too many times over the next 12 to 15 years it was brought to my attention that people who followed my exercise guidelines exactly but ignored their diet their weight and their cigarette smoking had heart attacks at age 55.

Such lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking excessive alcohol consumption little physical activity and low dietary calcium intake are risk factors for osteoporosis as well as for many other non-communicable diseases.

There are six components of wellness: proper weight and diet proper exercise breaking the smoking habit control of alcohol stress management and periodic exams.