Search For slight In Quotes 66

As I became very defined in my personal politics I turned down some films that I slightly regret now I'm not going to say what they were.

The art of politics consists in knowing precisely when it is necessary to hit an opponent slightly below the belt.

Poetry is always slightly mysterious and you wonder what is your relationship to it.

Those who have experienced the most have suffered so much that they have ceased to hate. Hate is more for those with a slightly guilty conscience and who by chewing on old hate in times of peace wish to demonstrate how great they were during the war.

I think the difficult thing is the transition between TV competition series and going into the actual music industry. There still seems to be a slight disconnect there.

Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart.

I don't even like watching sex scenes in movies. I have a slight prudish side to me.

There are movies that require fantasy and slightly more fantastical acting. Lines that are good for certain movies in real life circumstances would be absolutely unbelievable things to really say and you would look at these people like they're freaks for conversing that way. But somehow for certain styles of movies it works and it seems fine.

I was always raised on cowboy films and then when I could start making choices about the movies I wanted to watch I found myself wanting to watch gangster films which were slightly more sophisticated than the baseline stuff that was in westerns.

I get up at an unholy hour in the morning my work day is completed by the time the sun rises. I have a slightly bad back which has made an enormous contribution to American literature.