Search For skinny In Quotes 23

I wear black skinny-fit jeans - I can't get away from them. It's funny because I wore baggy jeans for ages then one day my friend convinced me to try on a skinny pair and I thought they were great.

You go to a show and there's no food at all so if you're doing shows back to back you can forget eating. I remember standing up in the bath one day and there was a mirror in front of me and I was so thin! I hated it. I never liked being that skinny.

Did you ever see the customers in health - food stores? They are pale skinny people who look half - dead. In a steak house you see robust ruddy people. They're dying of course but they look terrific.

From very early on in my childhood - four five years old - I felt alien to the human race. I felt very comfortable with thinking I was from another planet because I felt disconnected - I was very tall and skinny and I didn't look like anybody else I didn't even look like any member of my family.

Sports nurtures dreams of achieving self confidence and masculine striving for the skinny kid watching a boxer dance around the ring with sublime ease.

When I see someone who is starved they don't look alert. They don't have boundless energy. If you're too skinny it looks like you're near death.

Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff.

I wanted to be a skinny little ballerina but I was a voluptuous little Italian girl whose dad had meatballs on the table every night.

A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks video game geeks car geeks military geeks and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.

The word 'geek' today does not mean what it used to mean. A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks video game geeks car geeks military geeks and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.

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If we are to take for the criterion of truth the majority of suffrages they ought to be gotten from those philosophic and patriotic citizens who cultivate their reason.