Search For simplicity In Quotes 32

The main purpose of science is simplicity and as we understand more things everything is becoming simpler.

And of course pop music is all about memorability and simplicity and positive messages and a little dash of joy.

I have just three things to teach: simplicity patience compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.

The noble simplicity in the works of nature only too often originates in the noble shortsightedness of him who observes it.

When I was growing up Dr. Seuss was really my favorite. There was something about the lyrical nature and the simplicity of his work that really hit me.

I really like Calvin Klein for his classic simplicity. I also think Prabal Gurung designs some great pieces that work well for me. My mom has such great style she's my biggest influence.

I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular the most practical the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression modesty sex appeal simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.

I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.

As much as we all talk about the future and how so many things are merging there is a simplicity that is crucial.

Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. If you have them you have to take care of them! There is great freedom in simplicity of living. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest.