Search For silly In Quotes 46

Poor dear silly Spring preparing her annual surprise!

Unfortunately 'chick flick' has become a term to describe most movies that I don't even like. They're these movies that yes have women in them but they really don't reflect who women are and there's something kind of silly or shallow or gossipy about them.

I know that campaigns can seem small and even silly. Trivial things become big distractions. Serious issues become sound bites. And the truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising. If you're sick of hearing me approve this message believe me - so am I.

Sometimes if you don't have kids yourself it's assumed you won't understand or know how to play a mom which is kind of silly if you think about it.

Do not trust all men but trust men of worth the former course is silly the latter a mark of prudence.

Getting divorced just because you don't love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do.

Man is the most intelligent of the animals - and the most silly.

I have a very silly sense of humor. I've never laughed harder in my entire life than seeing someone with toilet paper stuck on the bottom of their shoe.

It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas.

Being funny with a funny voice is more my comfort zone a broader character that I try to humanize a kind of silly or wacky persona that I try to fill in.