Search For showing In Quotes 65

Eighty percent of success is showing up.

So much research has been done showing that the woman is the most vulnerable but also the biggest strength leading to economic progress.

The people I used to have around me from Nashville was showing love to the Cash Money clique on the strength of Buck trying to make it making sure Buck gets to where he gots to go.

The basis on which good repute in any highly organized industrial community ultimately rests is pecuniary strength and the means of showing pecuniary strength and so of gaining or retaining a good name are leisure and a conspicuous consumption of goods.

Zealous men are ever displaying to you the strength of their belief while judicious men are showing you the grounds of it.

I think they need to get a more reliable way of watching television on the laptop. Because I travel so much if I want to watch my favorite sports team it might not be showing in that place so I want a reliable way to watch whatever I want to watch on my laptop.

I was showing early symptoms of becoming a professional baseball man. I was lying to the press.

What I work hard at doing is staying on a path of being kind and showing and proving that I'm a good person to society. That's hard. The talent that's a gift. I just came here like that.

Being popular comes when you have everything. But to be liked it means that you must be treating people with respect and you must be showing kindness toward them.

Status anxiety definitely exists at a political level. Many Iraqis were annoyed with the US essentially for reasons of status: for not showing them respect for humiliating them.