Search For shock In Quotes 72

Like many students I found the drudgery of real experiments and the slowness of progress a complete shock and at my low points I contemplated other alternative careers including study of the philosophy or sociology of science.

I can't say I'm happy to be talking about John Ritter and his passing. In my 21 years of Entertainment Tonight this really was one of the most shocking and sad things to have happened.

It's sad that we have become so accustomed to bad service that we're shocked when we get good service.

In the early days of Christianity the exercise of chastity was frequently combined with a close and romantic intimacy of affection between the sexes which shocked austere moralists.

The Christian use of religion as a personal love affair both shocked me and attracted me.

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child cannot be true.

Truth makes many appeals not the least of which is its power to shock.

But when I first got cancer after the initial shock and the fear and paranoia and crying and all that goes with cancer - that word means to most people ultimate death - I decided to see what I could do to take that negative and use it in a positive way.

As I've gotten older I've gotten more liberal and my father is increasingly conservative. It's so shocking to me because I always thought we had the same politics. The day I realized we voted for different presidents I practically fell out of my chair.

The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own.