Search For shirt In Quotes 35

I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up but when I'm home sweat pants t-shirt. When I'm in the studio sweat pants t-shirt.

I live a dual life. On the red carpet it's complete glam. But at home I'm a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. Simple can be beautiful.

When the honour is given to that scientist personally the happiness is sweet indeed. Science is on the whole an informal activity a life of shirt sleeves and coffee served in beakers.

Sometimes I'm so tired I look down at what I'm wearing and if it's comfortable enough to sleep in I don't even make it into my pajamas. I'm looking down and I'm like 'T-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup that's fine. It's pajama-y good night.'

By no means do I want to be a piece of meat for the rest of my career. It's funny when you get asked to do a talk show and then they follow it up with requesting you take your shirt off.

This shirt is dry clean only. Which means... it's dirty.

I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with Guess on it. I said Thyroid problem?

It's very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats it's not inspiring for your workout.

I was working at the store on the Sony studios in Culver City. And I was literally holding a shirt when they came in and told me I'd got the part! It just shows dreams do come true.

No movie influenced me more to go after my dreams than 'Flashdance.' After seeing it I took 15 dance lessons a week. I cut all my sweatshirts. I did the 'Maniac' thing.

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I had to find a diet that would kick me back into dating shape because I know that I can't date at size 8. I have to date at size 2. And it's just a fact of nature. Go get your injections and your chemical peels. You gotta look good to attract a man.