Search For shift In Quotes 62

Conserving energy and thus saving money reducing consumption of unnecessary products and packaging and shifting to a clean-energy economy would likely hurt the bottom line of polluting industries but would undoubtedly have positive effects for most of us.

The job numbers are positive. We've had more jobs created now than were lost during the recession. We're seeing that the creation we're seeing those numbers not only grow but shift toward the private sector and shift toward full-time employment and these are all signs that the recovery is taking some hold but we're not out of woods.

There has been a shift to what may be defined as a culture of negativity which goes well beyond coverage of politics.

Thanks partly to the kind of poets that we now have and partly to funding there's been a gigantic shift in the way poetry is perceived... Poems on the Underground poets in schools football clubs zoos.

It's always uncomfortable for me when I take off my shirt. No one else is taking their shift off. Why is everyone else in these movies bundled up in layers of clothing and I'm taking my clothes off all the time?

They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.

You get up about 2-3 o'clock in the morning and get through about 7 or 8 and 12 hours later you start all over. That's the worst kind of work a person can do. You have to do these two shifts to get one day.

We need to shift from an economic organizing principle for human civilization to a humanitarian organizing principle. Making money more important than your own children is a pathological way for an individual to run their affairs and it's a pathological way for a society to run its affairs.

I suffered from a mild case of postpartum depression after my second child and the physical challenge of maintaining an overnight shift at CBS a marriage and two in diapers made the symptoms worse and everyone in the house paid the price.

All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.