Search For series In Quotes 93

In my column series 'The Main Thing ' I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate - both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.

My intention was to enroll at McGill University but an unexpected series of events led me to study physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I think it's good for sports cars to be united to be just one. I think it's good for the fans. When you have two different series fans don't know which way to go when you only have one I think it's good for the sport.

The truth is that for those 86 long years when the Red Sox went without a World Series win fans were not only in a recession but trapped in a longstanding deeply entrenched sports depression.

But the development of human society does not go straight forward and the epic process will therefore be a recurring process the series a recurring series - though not in exact repetition.

They've also asked me now to start on another series that we're gonna do after this Frontier Earth. But it's not science fiction it's more in the Mystery and Crime division and that's another area I'm very interested in.

The first series I wrote 'L.A. Candy ' was always meant to be a three-book series so when I started out it was all outlined that way and by the time I was done with the third book I had become so involved and the process and the stories I was a little bit sad to be done.

They all matter to me whether I'm working on a Sam Jackson film for a week or I'm the star of my own TV series - I take it all very seriously and I have a healthy respect for the work in general despite the role.

I was supposed to have a relationship with Judy but that never happened. Actors in series didn't have the control that they have today over their jobs.

When I was in my 30s I was at the end of a long-term relationship and going through a very hard time. I'd had about 15 different addresses and a series of relationships. I thought 'It's time to have a look at yourself.'

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I'm a big believer in everybody being themselves. If not doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself that's great. But if doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself then you should be able to do it. What I do outside the car adds to who I am and expresses a different side of me.