Search For sensual In Quotes 17

Music can also be a sensual pleasure like eating food or sex. But its highest vibration for me is that point of taking us to a real understanding of something in our nature which we can very rarely get at. It is a spiritual state of oneness.

Lidia Bastianich sorry but kind of boring. I mean I love Lidia but you can fall asleep watching her. And Mario Batali? I love Mario to death... but he's not romantic or sensual. Those are the things I bring to the table.

There's one more thing I want to say. It's a touchy subject. Black beauty. Black sensuality. We live in a culture where the beauty of black people isn't always as celebrated as other types. I'd like to help change that if I can!

This generation... they have a different attitude. Instead of sitting and watching something they want to be a part of it - they're very hedonistic and sensual.

My attitude is always one of sensuality aggressive enthusiasm and a kind of outrageousness in my expression.

Wit as an instrument of revenge is as infamous as art is as a means of sensual titillation.

Sensual love deceives one as to the nature of heavenly love it could not do so alone but since it unconsciously has the element of heavenly love within it it can do so.