Search For scars In Quotes 23

I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.

God will not look you over for medals degrees or diplomas but for scars.

I think Chris Rock at the Oscars was a great example. I thought that was intellectually hilarious. The Gap starts a war with Banana Republic... That to me was funny.

I was probably more scared of my high school exams than I was of the Oscars. At the time you think it's everything and if you don't do well your life's over. Opportunities are gone. So the more you do it the less the fear is present.

I have a great job writing for 'The Office ' but really all television writers do is dream of one day writing movies. I'll put it this way: At the Oscars the most famous person in the room is like Angelina Jolie. At the Emmys the huge exciting celebrity is Bethenny Frankel. You get what I mean.

When we learn from experience the scars of sin can lead us to restoration and a renewed intimacy with God.

I've had weight issues all my life. I've been on all the diets: Atkins liquid protein Scarsdale diet. Now I go to the gym often. I'm always on the StairMaster and I do weights.

One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars and the world will be better for this.

Most of an award-show host's job is showing up and keeping a cool head and soldiering through it whether it's the Oscars or the Hallmark Channel's 'Hero Dog Awards.'

It's like once you've seen Tom Hanks win the Golden Globes the Oscars you've seen his wife what kind of car he drives when you watch his movies you can't fully get really lost in them.