Search For roller In Quotes 14

I don't allow anybody to change me. I still walk outta my house in rollers and I take walks. I do not care what people think.

I remember my wife and I used to get on plane and see everybody else with their babies. They'd be putting strollers and car seats up above and we'd think: Oh please Lord don't make us go through that.

It's a real roller-coaster ride if you're lucky to have longevity in this business - you have to be able to ride those waves.

I was always anti-marriage. I didn't understand monogamy. I couldn't figure out how that could last. And then I met Bryn and I started to understand the beauty of constancy and history and change and going on the roller coaster with someone - of having a partner in life.

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I feel lucky because I was a nerd which I talk about in the book but I had academic success so through that because that's what my parents put a great deal of value on I had a great childhood because I sort of fulfilled the expectations of being good at school.