Search For resistance In Quotes 34

I assess the power of a will by how much resistance pain torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage.

The so-called peace path is not peace and it is not a substitute for jihad and resistance.

You may either win your peace or buy it: win it by resistance to evil buy it by compromise with evil.

At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender in its place was as honorable as resistance especially if one had no choice.

The resistance of policy-makers to intelligence is not just founded on an ideological presupposition. They distrust intelligence sources and intelligence officials because they don't understand what the real problems are.

It becomes a giant's task to compute the result when the effect of cross seas wind at all angles and ever varying force arched surfaces head resistance ratio of weight to area and the intelligence of the guiding power crop up.

The history of liberty is a history of resistance.

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Every therapeutic cure and still more any awkward attempt to show the patient the truth tears him from the cradle of his freedom from responsibility and must therefore reckon with the most vehement resistance.

Resistance is feasible even for those who are not heroes by nature and it is an obligation I believe for those who fear the consequences and detest the reality of the attempt to impose American hegemony.