Search For released In Quotes 15

Miller didn't write Death of a Salesman. He released it. It was there inside him waiting to be turned loose. That's the measure of its merit.

There's really no such thing as the agony of dying. I'm quite sure that pain is shut off at the moment of death. You see something happens when the body knows it's about to go. Peptide hormones are released by cells in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Endorphins. They attach themselves to the cells responsible for feeling pain.

Pamela Anderson Lee released a statement confirming that she has had her breast implants removed. Doctors say that Pamela is doing fine and that her old implants are now dating Charlie Sheen.

Despite the fact that in America we incarcerate more juveniles for life terms than in any other country in the world the truth is that the vast majority of youth offenders will one day be released. The question is simple and stark. Do we want to help them change or do we want to help them become even more violent and dangerous?

I didn't make my first solo record until 1981 so I don't have any 60's or 70's recordings but I am working on a large boxed set called DUST to be released next year the 20th anniversary of my first solo record.

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I looked at longevity in show business when I was about 13 and the people who seemed to have longevity were the ones who'd spent quite a bit of time learning about what they were doing before they made it.