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The Christian community latched onto a lot of my music because there were a lot of things about my struggle they related to. But I didn't really want to come out and be identified as a Christian because I didn't want to be a hypocrite because my life wasn't right.

Anything I do has to be directly related to my music. If it isn't I don't really see a point to it.

Everyone related to me in my circle was from church: church friends church school church activities. All my friends weren't allowed to watch MTV or go to PG-13 movies or listen to the radio so I didn't really know anything different. That's how I was raised.

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

I naturally wanted to be saved so when I came home I told my mom I wanted to be confirmed. That's the way I related to it being raised an Episcopalian. I went to Dallas and got confirmed.

Well my mom is single and we've both been single at the same time over the last ten years so I really related to the bond between my character and Diane's.

The president just as any other American deserves a legal defense against personal lawsuits not related to his office. But the costs of that defense should be borne by him and not the taxpayer.

Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.

To me sadness and humor aren't disrelated and humor is the best tool I've had against the sadness in my life.

I think any branding for me is band-related. It's really weird to get used to the exposure because I am a naturally introverted person and I'm not exactly social. Occasionally I can get comfortable enough to talk but I spend a lot of my days not talking especially when I'm at home and not on tour.