Search For reinvent In Quotes 18

I'm a multidimensional person and that's the freedom of fashion: that you're able to reinvent yourself through how you dress and how you cut your hair or whatever.

We're not trying to reinvent the wheel for any environmental organization to claim sole responsibility for any kind of victory is insane because everybody attacks these problems as a group.

The industrial processes in use today were developed at a time when no one had to consider what the environmental impact was. Who cared? But making ecological concerns matter to a company's bottom line will help it do the research and development that will reinvent everything we buy.

People can try to reinvent themselves. I don't think you can really change who you are though because who you are is pretty much where you came from and what you've done up to now.

It's a lot of work to keep reinventing yourself and coming up with new stuff but that's what it takes to be in show business.

Not since the digital revolution in the early '90s has technology placed such a comprehensive burden on business employees and individuals to reinvent their business plans services and products and themselves to keep pace with the changing marketplace.

The network is opening up some amazing possibilities for us to reinvent content reinvent collaboration.

We want to reinvent the phone. What's the killer app? The killer app is making calls! It's amazing how hard it is to make calls on most phones. We want to let you use contacts like never before - sync your iPhone with your PC or mac.

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Some of us are interested in directors but really the vast majority of us are interested in actors. You experience the films through the actors so they're all locked into your imagination in some kind of layer of fantasy or hatred or wherever they settle into your imagination.