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If Margaret Thatcher took climate change seriously and believed that we should take action to reduce global greenhouse emissions then taking action and supporting and accepting the science can hardly be the mark of incipient Bolshevism.

NASA has been one of the most successful public investments in motivating students to do well and achieve all they can achieve. It's sad that we are turning the programme in a direction where it will reduce the amount of motivation and stimulation it provides to young people.

With respect to the respective French and German traditions you are no doubt correct although I am reluctant to see individual achievement reduced to archetypes.

I think we need to significantly reduce the regulatory burden on the private sector. The Obama administration is doing the opposite. They're loading on more and more regulation on the private respect to how the economy functions.

Actually I think my view is compatible with much of the work going on now in neuroscience and psychology where people are studying the relationship of consciousness to neural and cognitive processes without really trying to reduce it to those processes.

In the grip of a neurological disorder I am fast losing control of words even as my relationship with the world has been reduced to them.

If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.

We should try to understand our innermost needs. We shouldn't use irony to reduce their power.

The oil companies regard nuclear power as their rival who will reduce their profits so they put out a lot of disinformation about nuclear power.

We can play politics or we can reduce crime.

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I come from that society and there is a common thread specifically family values - the idea that you do anything for your family and the unconditional love for one's children.