Search For redemption In Quotes 15

Those of us who were brought up as Christians and have lost our faith have retained the sense of sin without the saving belief in redemption. This poisons our thought and so paralyses us in action.

In opposition to this detachment he finds an image of man which contains within itself man's dreams man's illness man's redemption from the misery of poverty - poverty which can no longer be for him a sign of the acceptance of life.

Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid the further the date of redemption is postponed.

I'm finding as I get older that I'm not much of a believer in redemption. I mean I believe in redemption in real life - redemption does happen and it's cool when it does - but I find myself getting leery of my desire for it in stories (especially my own).

Redemption just means you just make a change in your life and you try to do right versus what you were doing which was wrong.