Search For reconcile In Quotes 20

I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences.

I have frequently been questioned especially by women of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well it has not been easy.

The right to a quality education is I believe the perfect path to bridge the gap between different cultures and to reconcile various civilizations. Without such a right the values of liberty justice and equality will have no meaning. Ignorance is by far the biggest danger and threat to humankind.

When death the great reconciler has come it is never our tenderness that we repent of but our severity.

I needed to step away from music because the truth was I couldn't be the dad I wanted to be to my kids. My truth was that I could not reconcile the two worlds - the entertainment world and being the dad I wanted to be in the present. You can't substitute time you just can't.

My mom and my dad were married 56 years and the fact that I reconciled with my dad I think made their marriage a little bit better as well.

Without this spirit Modernist architecture cannot fully exist. Since there is often a mismatch between the logic and the spirit of Modernism I use architecture to reconcile the two.

An American a Negro... two souls two thoughts two unreconciled strivings two warring ideals in one dark body whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.

The average Nigerian person has come to reconcile himself with the fact that his or her social progress remain essentially in his or her hands in collaboration with other fellow Nigerians and not merely relying on what government alone could provide for him or her.

One ever feels his twoness - an American a Negro two souls two thoughts two unreconciled strivings two warring ideals in one dark body whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.