Search For rapper In Quotes 16

Rhyme patterns are nothing without meanings to the words. A lot of rappers can do those flows but the raps aren't really about anything - which is cool sometimes but to have the flow and the message is one of my favorite things.

I used to be focused on being the dopest rapper in the game and then once that became what I was I wanted something different and I wanted to become the best businessman in the game. I wanted to learn how to master the business like I mastered the rap.

You can say what you want to about a rapper in a movie but look at what Ice Cube has done. Ice Cube has created more opportunities for other actors to get jobs in this business than some actors have.

Female rappers get it the hardest. You have to be a girl yet you have to be just as hard as the guys. I think some female rappers get scared out of the business before they can make it.

You know it's going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black.

I wrote and produced millions and millions of selling records so my publishing company alone was worth millions of dollars. I didn't have to work anymore in life because when the rappers started sampling... I'm the most sampled artist in history.