Search For project In Quotes 151

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes I do get paid to go to parties in fact I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party I'm always working or promoting something.

You will launch many projects but have time to finish only a few. So think plan develop launch and tap good people to be responsible. Give them authority and hold them accountable. Trying to do too much yourself creates a bottleneck.

I try to keep it real. I don't have time to worry about what I'm projecting to the world. I'm just busy being myself.

I instinctively dress a bit tougher because I've spent a lot of time in the U.S. and I realised there was a certain image projected of me here. I've always been an absolute rebel. When I was in my teen years I had piercings and wore all black.

For much of this decade both Congressional and administration budget projections showed a decline in science and technology accounts of between 20 and 30 percent in real dollars. The real impact to date has been far less severe.

Well it's very dangerous to project but it's clear that the existing technology has some more years to go.

I carry my own film guys with me now. People think that's a huge expense but with technology like it is these days it's not. You can film videos and everything with a Canon Mark II and shoot a movie. They're doing it for next to nothing by comparison. I can do ten videos for a project for the price of one mainstream video in the past.

In the earliest days this was a project I worked on with great passion because I wanted to solve the Defense Department's problem: it did not want proprietary networking and it didn't want to be confined to a single network technology.

I don't particularly enjoy watching films in 3D because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film has a very three-dimensional quality to it so I'm somewhat sceptical of the technology.

I'm sure any vocal teacher that listens to me would rather cut my throat than do anything - I do everything all wrong - but I think for me that's the best - because I don't think I have a voice so I think what I project would be style - if I learned to sing I'd lose my style.

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I have my parents to thank for that they raised me to be active and play all sports. They taught me the importance of staying healthy being focused and setting goals in whatever I do.