Search For preparing In Quotes 31

In order to have good fried chicken you should wash and season the bird the morning you're preparing it for dinner. Don't wait and do it right before you start cooking. Throw it in the refrigerator seasoned that morning and give it a chance to soak up all the salt and pepper and goodness.

As a part of preparing those lawsuits learning about those lawsuits I learned about the various nuclear issues in parts of the nuclear production process I guess you'd say.

Preparing our city to achieve its destiny will require strong leadership.

My understanding is that what was provided was general order of battle information not operational intelligence. I certainly have no knowledge of US participation in preparing battle and strike packages and doubt strongly that that occurred.

There's no real preparing at home for stand-up. You just go and you just do it.

We know that there are significant health benefits from consuming more fruits and vegetables and that's an opportunity for us to sort of move away from some of the meals that we've been preparing in the past.

Motherhood is a great honor and privilege yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers or preparing meals moms continuously put others before themselves.

As a kid I'd go into the bathroom when I was having a tantrum. I'd be in the bathroom crying studying myself in the mirror. I was preparing for future roles.

Our modern states are preparing for war without even knowing the future enemy.

I used to hurt so badly that I'd ask God why what have I done to deserve any of this? I feel now He was preparing me for this for the future. That's the way I see it.