Search For prefer In Quotes 143

President Obama's record on national security is a tribute to his strength and judgment and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship.

I never really hated any particular sport but out of all the sports I used to prefer the team games to running and sprinting and those types of things.

If modernist naturalism were true there would be no objective truth outside of science. In that case right and wrong would be a matter of cultural preference or political power and the power already available to modernists ideologies would be overwhelming.

In science read by preference the newest works. In literature read the oldest. The classics are always modern.

In science read by preference the newest works in literature the oldest. The classic literature is always modern.

The radical novelty of modern science lies precisely in the rejection of the belief... that the forces which move the stars and atoms are contingent upon the preferences of the human heart.

I don't ever want to be a sentimentalist. I prefer to be a realist. I'm not a romantic really.

Willing or preferring is the same with respect to good and evil that judging is with respect to truth or falsehood.

As a politician you have to deal with someone wanting you to fail every day. I think I prefer being in a situation where generally people are rooting for me and if they aren't rooting for me they aren't out there to see my downfall. I respect the people who have the stomach for it.

What I respect as far as in myself and in others is the spirit of just doing it. For better or worse it may work and it may not but I'm going to go for it. Ultimately I probably prefer to be respected for that than whether it works out or not either winning or losing.

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I like to help women help themselves as that is in my opinion the best way to settle the woman question. Whatever we can do and do well we have a right to and I don't think any one will deny us.