Search For precede In Quotes 61

As a theoretical physicist I feel at once proud and humble at the thought of the illustrious figures that have preceded me here to receive the greatest of all honors in science the Nobel prize.

In all science error precedes the truth and it is better it should go first than last.

Surely our inaction with respect to Syria is a poor precedent if we're fighting a war on terror.

Judge Roberts has assured me personally that he has a healthy respect for precedent and the hard-won rights of Americans.

On the other side I do believe that the rhetoric we are seeing from the Democrats today is unprecedented is a new low in presidential politics and goes beyond political discourse and amounts to political hate speech.

In the world of energy politics the sudden vanishing of the word 'coal' is a remarkable and unprecedented event.

The popular and one may say naive idea is that peace can be secured by disarmament and that disarmament must therefore precede the attainment of absolute security and lasting peace.

If they want peace nations should avoid the pin-pricks that precede cannon shots.

The higher American patriotism on the other hand combines loyalty to historical tradition and precedent with the imaginative projection of an ideal national Promise.

Reality must take precedence over public relations for nature cannot be fooled.

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I started writing morning pages just to keep my hand in you know just because I was a writer and I didn't know what else to do but write. And then one day as I was writing a character came sort of strolling in and I realized Oh my God I don't have to be just a screenwriter. I can write novels.