Search For practicing In Quotes 22

I started practicing yoga. I started learning some hands-on healing stuff. And I found really good chiropractors really good massage therapists and what I found is I've been able to actually peel off layers of trauma on my body and actually move better now than I did.

In some ways I'm still recovering from the trial. My health is not as good as it ought to be. I've gone back to practicing law and it seems to have taken a toll for whatever reason.

I had the privilege of practicing medicine in the early '60s before we had any government. It worked rather well and there was nobody on the street suffering with no medical care.

By having a reverence for life we enter into a spiritual relation with the world By practicing reverence for life we become good deep and alive.

We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living the principles are the same. One becomes in some area an athlete of God.

We Hoosiers hold to some quaint notions. Some might say we 'cling' to them though not out of fear or ignorance. We believe in paying our bills. We have kept our state in the black throughout the recent unpleasantness while cutting rather than raising taxes by practicing an old tribal ritual - we spend less money than we take in.

I'm a Christian. I go to church when I can. I was raised Baptist. I went to a Lutheran school. I'm a nondenominational practicing Christian. I have a lot of faith.

It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures you can even listen to tapes on airplanes - they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing.

Now that I'm a dad I'm practicing what I call 'one- handed cooking ' because I've got something more important in my other arm. I'm whipping up lots of frittatas and omelets.

So the first thing that I thought about was 'How is this car going to handle?' But then after I'd been driving with it and practicing with it and I accomplished that then I just kind of sat back.

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