Search For population In Quotes 58

I know that if the peace movement takes its message boldly to the Negro people a powerful force can be secured in pursuit of the greatest goal of all mankind. And the same is true of labor and the great democratic sections of our population.

Many African leaders refuse to send their troops on peace keeping missions abroad because they probably need their armies to intimidate their own populations.

I'm not overly alarmist about it but I do think there are some worrying signs like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy.

A majority perhaps as many as 75 percent of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor however by taking their money to terminate their children.

Another cause of change one less noticeable but fundamental is the modern growth of population closely connected with scientific and medical discoveries. It is interesting that the United Nations has set up a special Commission to study this question.

Today we see a human population of over 6 billion people many of whom have serious medical conditions which either can't be treated or cannot be treated economically.

The possibility of divorce renders both marriage partners stricter in their observance of the duties they owe to each other. Divorces help to improve morals and to increase the population.

To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population.

I am an American citizen and it is my home now. I like the U.S.A. which is not a place too many people have liked since Bush. The U.S. has a young population and everything can change within a year.

My home State of North Carolina ranks 12th in the United States for increased aging population and according to a national report 41st in overall health. According to this same report individuals aged 50+ are the least healthy.