Search For plenty In Quotes 55

World-wide practice of Conservation and the fair and continued access by all nations to the resources they need are the two indispensable foundations of continuous plenty and of permanent peace.

Let peace descending from her native heaven bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations and plenty in league with commerce scatter blessings from her copious hand!

He would see civilization in danger of perishing under the oppression of a gigantic paradox: he would see multitudes of people starving in the midst of plenty and nations preparing for war although pledged to peace.

When we take our eyes off the whirl of day-to-day activity and concentrate on honoring Him and following in His way we find a consistent peace that carries us through both plenty and poverty.

Any time you end a relationship and everyone has ended plenty in their life it's always a tough thing and hard to get over.

There certainly is no secret in that there are plenty of people who don't like plenty of my movies. Each one of my films is personal each one of my films is emotionally autobiographical. And I like directors who do that. With each one of my films I'm exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.

For my scale how I grew up and live my life I'm making plenty of money.

I have plenty of money unlike other Hollywood celebrities or athletes that have not invested well.

Sane judgment abhors nothing so much as a picture perpetrated with no technical knowledge although with plenty of care and diligence.

When it came to political power blacks need not apply. Add to this steaming stew the growing tensions over the Vietnam War and the movement for civil rights and you had plenty of elements to fire the imagination of a novice journalist.