Search For players In Quotes 93

I don't know concretely if it's due to superstition but any time a new rule is implemented into the NBA or a new piece of equipment or a new technology there is always a transition and adjustment period by players and coaches and anyone involved with the game.

Because I select my players from a feeling that comes to me when I am with them a certain sympathy you might call it or a vibration that exists between us that convinces me they are right.

Well I do feel that I carry the responsibility of representing my country wherever I am and this responsibility came with the success that I had in last couple of years not just myself but the whole group of tennis players that comes from Serbia. And athletes in general are in this moment the biggest ambassadors that our country has.

Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.

A coach once told me there are four factors that determine a players' performance: his tactical awareness his physical condition his technical ability and his mental strength.

I think that people who have played sports have an ability to relate to people because when you're playing you have to work on teams and with opposing players.

I long for the days when athletes were revered. I want to see the romance return to sports to see people enjoy the game purely for the game and the players.

My four older brothers were my favorite players. That's why I got into football and sports.

The two major things that changed the makeup of all professional sports are money generated by television and courts that players went to in order to win their freedom as free agents.

My tastes in all things lean towards the arty and boring. I like sports documentaries about Scrabble players bands that play quiet unassuming music and TV shows that win awards. In that way I am an elitist snob.