Search For plate In Quotes 57

The nature of catastrophe is after all reasonably unvarying in the way it ruins destroys wounds and devastates. But if something can be learned from the event - not least something as profound as the theory of plate tectonics - then it somehow puts the ruination into a much more positive light.

I don't for the life of me understand how anybody could contemplate the results of the 2000 election in the US and say that electoral politics doesn't matter any more and that Ralph Nader was right when he said there is no difference between the two parties.

The Vice-Presidency is sort of like the last cookie on the plate. Everybody insists he won't take it but somebody always does.

Having contemplated this admirable grove I proceeded towards the shrubberies on the banks of the river and though it was now late in December the aromatic groves appeared in full bloom.

Now I know that that is just the phenomena of eating this way. Most all of my letters say I hit a plateau and then one morning I woke up and the melt had happened.

Let me tell you sisters seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything I've had to deal with in politics.

I have an orthopedic pillow that's made out of a sponge material. I have a plate in my throat and I have to be careful or I could end up with a bad neck in the morning. That pillow is a must everywhere I go.

My mom was a single mom and she had enough on her plate. I knew when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to and I tried to keep her from finding out about it. I did a pretty good job of that.

In my own life I decided to leave meat off my plate in medical school but was a bit slow to realise that dairy products and eggs are not health foods either.

If you always put limit on everything you do physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus and you must not stay there you must go beyond them.

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Poetry always runs away from you - it's very difficult to grasp it and every time you read it depending on your conditions you will have a different grasp of it. Whereas with a novel once you have read it you have grasped it.