Search For photographs In Quotes 21

No journalist has ever been in my house and no photographs have ever been taken of where I live. I don't parade my family out for display which is the way it will stay.

You have to see a building to comprehend it. Photographs cannot convey the experience nor film.

Our dreams are made of real things like a shoebox full of photographs.

We must carefully consider card security solutions such as adding photographs or machine-readable electronic strips so to prevent further breaches of individual privacy that could result from changes to the design of Social Security Cards.

When I climb into my car I enter my destination into a GPS device whose spatial memory supplants my own. I have photographs to store the images I want to remember books to store knowledge and now thanks to Google I rarely have to remember anything more than the right set of search terms to access humankind's collective memory.

Appropriation is the idea that ate the art world. Go to any Chelsea gallery or international biennial and you'll find it. It's there in paintings of photographs photographs of advertising sculpture with ready-made objects videos using already-existing film.

The greatest work of art about New York? The question seems nebulous. The city's magic and majesty are distilled in the photographs of Alfred Stieglitz and Paul Strand.

People believe that photographs are true and therefore cannot be art.

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

I paint mostly from real life. It has to start with that. Real people real street scenes behind the curtain scenes live models paintings photographs staged setups architecture grids graphic design. Whatever it takes to make it work.