Search For perception In Quotes 71

Science is nothing but perception.

I think people's perception of a rich girl is literal but metaphorically I embrace it as being rich in love spirit joy and religion. So it's not about money.

The biological evolutionary perception of life and of human qualities is radically different from that of traditional religion whether it's Southern Baptist or Islam or any religion that believes in a supernatural supervalance over humanity.

I'm a real relationship person - contrary to public perception. I'm either in one or I'm not.

The miracles of the church seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off but upon our perceptions being made finer so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.

While only about half of the voters feel they know very much about Reagan or what he stands for the Republicans who do have a very positive perception of him.

I think things changed as a result of a certain perception of our politics. When we went through our zealous self-righteous period it didn't exactly win us any friends.

The musician - if he be a good one - finds his own perception prompted by the poet's perception and he translates the expression of that perception from the terms of poetry into the terms of music.

I will try to work for greater reconciliation cooperation and peace in North East Asia based on correct perception of history.

In movies there are some things the French do that Americans are increasingly incapable of doing. One is honoring the complexities of youth. It's a quiet difficult undertaking requiring subtlety in a filmmaker and perception and patience from us.